Sleep Labs
PSG & PG systems are systems used to diagnose and classify Sleep respiratory disorders in the laboratory or home environment. This system collects and analyzes data by means of electrodes attached to the body.
AASM (American Academy of Sleep Medicine) Classification
Level 1: PSG, with technical participation in the sleep laboratory; 1-4 On-line and simultaneous recording of cardio-respiratory parameters such as Lead EEG, EOG, EMG, EKG, Airflow, Breathing Effort, Oxygen Saturation, Snoring
Level 2: PSG portable, suitable for hospital and home use, with at least 7 channels (EEG, EOG, EMG, EKG/Pulse, airflow, respiratory effort, oxygen effort)
Level 3: PG portable, sleep apnea test, minimum 4 channels (airflow, respiratory effort, EKG/Pulse, oxygen saturation)
Level 4: Significant AHI or RDI with at least 4 channels with scanning, single or dual bioparameter recording in continuous mode, airflow or respiratory effort recording